Jain Beliefs On Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Due to the fact that drug and alcohol addiction and abuse are often considered highly taboo among many Jain families, there is often great personal shame associated with seeking help. However, addiction is a disease, and treatment is by far the most successful way to overcome it and resume a life of faith.

Jainism And The 7 Addictions

Jainism emphasizes actions that enhance one’s karma and quality of life. Indulgences in bad habits, compulsions, and attachments are considered addictions in Jain traditions. Addictions in the Jain faith include:

  1. Gambling
  2. Meat-eating
  3. Drinking (including wine, hemp, and other substances)
  4. Enjoying prostitutes
  5. Hunting
  6. Indulging in other women
  7. Theft

Since substances like alcohol and drugs put the individual’s nervous system at risk of dependence, they are frowned upon. Addictive substances inhibit the individual’s ability to control one’s spiritual self in order to achieve mastery of one’s behavior and karma. In Jainism’s focus on non-violence, practitioners can go as far as avoiding processed foods and drugs as they may be unclean.

Such practices of abstaining from addictive behaviors and substances emphasize spiritual self-discipline and growth. Lastly, Jainism’s principles of non-attachment and chaste living can discourage substances that can harm the body from being used. Utilizing substances goes against religious views of chaste living in the ascetic religion, creating dependencies and interfering with spiritual devotion.

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Jain Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Jainism emphasizes actions that enhances one’s karma and quality of life. Indulgences in chemicals can create a stigma in the Jain community, often creating shame in those seeking treatment. Thankfully, there are several treatment options offering faith-based support to people of Eastern faiths. Such faith-focused treatment methods may have 12-Step programs available tailored to those of a spiritual background.

Additional benefits could be interaction with supportive people who do not judge individuals suffering from substance use disorders. Additionally, the individual has access to medications used to treat withdrawals, nutrition plans, and counseling.

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The first step in achieving change is taking action. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder (SUD), contact a treatment provider today to discover your options for transformation.